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Shruthi Chandrasekaran

I draw to communicate what is important to me- moments of comfort and beauty in the city, faces and spaces that are home; connecting to the wonder of the world we share. 2017 was a turning point for my work- it was when I began working on my mental health and used art to hunt peace by freezing (or concocting) moments of calm. It became an affirmation of the joy that already exists in my life; and I am excited and happy to find that other people share these joys. I wish I could say I had a deeper message, or am being subversive somehow, but I am sick of the overanalysis and excessive anxiety that marks my daily life. So here it is, and I hope it reminds you to carry with you the bursts of happiness and colour that occur alongside the burden of functioning.


Afternoon nap with Jeannie – Gouache on 7.5″x7.5″ sketchbook


April sleeping 2017 – Acrylics and coloured ink on 12″x12″ watercolor


Chits by the window – Acrylics and Gouache on A3 watercolor paper


Jeannie and Casper – Gouache on 5″x8.25″ watercolor paper


Park lounge – Watercolour and coloured ink on 5″x8.25″ watercolor paper


Varun and Casper – Watercolour on 7″x7.5″watercolor paper


Sonali – Acrylics and coloured ink on 5″x8.25″ watercolor paper

Shruthi_Bio_PhotoShruthi Chandrasekaran is a lawyer and self-taught artist who lives in Bangalore, India, with three cats, a puppy, and a partner who is always surprised at the amount of poop there is to clean. She enjoys exploring bright colours and texture details in watercolor. You can see more of her work here.