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The cobbler poet of Pakistan Munawar Shakeel.

Munawar Shakeel: the cobbler poet of Punjab Pakistan.

“In the small suburban town of Rodala, located in Jaranwala, Faisalabad, there sits a cobbler in the main bazaar, Munawar Shakeel, who has been repairing the shoes of the villagers for three decades now.

But in recent years, his customers are less interested in getting their shoes repaired and more interested in listening to his verses on the sweet and bitter realities of life.

Munawar is a poet.

He is the author of five Punjabi poetry books, and with the poor and downtrodden as the subject of his poetry, he is considered a major voice of people living in suburban areas.”

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This article was written by Rizwan Safdar in Urdu and translated into English by Bilal Karim Mughal.

Note: If you wish to purchase Munawar Shakeel’s books, send an e-mail at

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