Reviews – Spring 2018
Thwarted Escape: An Immigrant’s Wayward Journey by Lopa Banerjee
There is a sense of happiness in forgetting. But the acts of forgetting and remembering are inseparable. There can be no remembering without forgetting, and vice versa. The distance between the two is a language – the language of memory.
A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena
The fresh, outlandish opening of the novel that shatters the usual expectations associated with this sub-genre and foregrounds its narrative design, is definitely one of its highlights.
Polymorphism by Indira Chandrashekhar
Casts a net of stories in which her narratives slip through like eels among the reeds of reality, keeping her readers in swift pursuit.
When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi
It is an epitaph in the form of a novel written by Paul Kalanithi for his own burial – an epitaph negotiating death, ensuring his memory lives on in time, creating a profound impact on anyone who visits it.