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On Literary Festivals and V.S. Naipaul

As the Kriti Festival in Chigaco nears  no doubt all the artists and authors attending are thrilled to have this venue to share their work and thoughts through readings and panels. In many such Festivals panelists etc… are usually paid airfare and lodging and the Super Stars  (hierarchy, yes, there is) are also paid for their time. V.S. Naipaul recently asked the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival to pay him more than they could afford, so he was dropped from  the roster. I don’t know who wins in this scenario because everyone seems to lose: the festival, the author, and the festival goers.

“The late cancellation of Nobel laureate V.S. Naipaul from next month’s Ubud Writers and Readers Festival has exposed the fierce competition and delicate negotiations behind the flourishing international festival scene. Since Janet DeNeefe founded the festival 11 years ago as a healing response to the Bali bombings, the Australian-born restaurateur and writer has built a successful annual event that attracts almost 26,000 visitors to enjoy talks, performances and food amid Ubud’s hillside rice paddies, art galleries, temples and resorts.” read rest here


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